After last Saturdays Crossfit session, which was after my 10 mile run... I became extremely sore.
I don't see how the Crossfit would have done it to me, it was only 20 mintes and wasn't anything my body isn't used to.
Saturday I hung out with JP - we went to the mall and then hit the bowling alley. Sunday turned into Sunday funday with Beer and Football.
I didn't want to tell him, but my throat was on FIRE all day Sunday. I knew I had NYE coming the next day and didn't want to worry him.
Monday came around. He went to work, I went to 1441
I wanted to run. So I went out for 5 miles. It ended up being a sub 8 minute pace, but my thoat was burning from it.
Monday night - rang in the New Year.
Tuesday - Drank the New Years day away
Wednesay - Died a slow painful death and the couch... sore throat/cough/chest on fire.
Thursday - today... I AM RUNNING!