This week has been a HORRIBLE week for running. I came down with something, at first I thought it was a cold, then I started thinking it was allergies and then I started wondering if it was a reaction to a medicine I had to start taking. I have been so tired, congested, sore throat and feeling like my head is floating. I mean it has been bad.
I started Monday off with a 1441 workout in the morning and started getting really tired through the day. I figured it was from the weekend. One of my BFF's came to town and then some other friends came over so we had a fun filled weekend... so being worn out from this made since. Usually when I am tired I can pull off an easy 4-5 miles... well not on this day! I went out and at about mile 1 my legs felt like they had no feeling and no energy, my breathing was heavy and I literally felt like the most out of shape person ever... I did 4 miles of run walk. Pathetic!
Tuesday, same thing. I woke up and went out for 5 miles... I made it 2.5 and had to do the same thing. Sore throat was in full force, congestion was bad and fatigue was passed the point of fatigue.
Wednesday comes and I slept through my alarm clock. I figured sleep was needed more than a track workout. By mid day I was hating life because I was so off schedule and felt like I was being a wimp. I left work a little early to make it to the evening track workout - BIG MISTAKE.
THIS IS THE HARDEST WORKOUT EVER! AND I was feeling awful... but I couldn't leave!
Well, the first 3 laps of the 2000 were fine, but then I hit a wall and my times just were unbearable. I told Dror I couldn't do it after that, and he said "Get water and just finish this workout for me" well, fine, but its going to be embarrasing - and that it was... I won't even mention times. But I did it... and that is better than not doing it at all right?!?
And so Thursday comes around and I find myself meeting my crew at 5:30am... hahaha... Mile 1.5 comes and I say peace out to them I am heading back in... and then it was a run walk all the way back to my car...
Now, I am feeling like crap because I literally have not done anything good for my running this week. Mid day I text my Friend and ask if she wants to go run after work, a really easy 5 miles (WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? Its like I won't give up and rest) She agrees. Since she has a slower pace I thought I could suffer through it... and that I did... I suffered BIG time - but 5 miles was done, one stop.... and yes it was a 10:00+ minute pass (i don't know what hurt more, the slow pace or the fatigue) but I will tell you my legs were shaking at the end I was uber happy when it was over... 1. because I made it 5 miles 2. that was a hard run, when you are used to running 8:20's and you go to a 10:00+ pace its challenging... try it, I promise you will agree!
Friday comes and I go to 1441 - AND WE HAVE TO RUN! OMG so embarrasing... everyone thinks I should be a fast runner and so I feel like I have to be.. so I died, but I did it.
Saturday comes (my favorite day because its a long run) well... I wanted to do 10-12. I made it 5 miles feeling good then it hit, that fatigue were I had nothing... but I made it 9 miles and suffered 5...
All I have to say is THANK GOD this week of running is over. I head to Dallas tomorrow and its all treadmill running (BLAH) and no strength training.... maybe my body will recover some without all of the crazyness!!!
Aww hope you are feeling better now!